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Group Advisor Message:

RKG Group has set up a number of institutions providing quality education right from school level to post-graduate level. The institutions, wherever required, have affiliations from various universities and approval of respective regulatory bodies. In this era of globalisation, quality is the only mantra for survival of any organisation. All the institutions of the Group have the state-of-the-art-facilities, highly competent and dedicated manpower and visionary management to provide quality and value based education. Two of the institutions of the Group namely the RKGIT, Ghaziabad and RKGITM, Ghaziabad have the distinction of being rated as the "Best Multi-disciplinary Institutions in Delhi and NCR Region" and "Best Eng. College for Women in Delhi and NCR Region" respectively by the Brand Academy, New Delhi. Research and Development is an integral part of all the institutions of the Group that exposes the faculty and the students to the latest developments in their respective fields and also provides them the opportunity to interact with the experts across the country. The institutions of the Group have the distinction of implementing various schemes sponsored by the Deptt. of S&T and Min. of Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt of India in the field of Rainwater Harvesting, Water Mission, INSPIRE, Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship. I whole heartedly welcome all the aspiring and brilliant students to the portals of these institutions to get shaped for facing the highly competitive world and for making rewarding careers.

Prof.(Dr.) Laxman Prasad(Advisor)
RKG Group of Institutions

Dr. Laxman Prasad, an eminent scientist, obtained his Ph D. in Electronics Engineering from BHU and LLB from Delhi University. Prior to his association with RKG Group, he served the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India for about 37 years & retired as Advisor (Technology Development and Transfer) in 2010. He was also a Visiting Fellow at Oxford University, UK, during 1993-94.

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